Money-Making Ideas for Your Next Fundraising Event

Fundraisers are one of the most effective ways for nonprofits to gain awareness about a cause and bring a community together. They are also excellent ways to raise money for a worthy cause.  Some of the best fundraisers include venues that relate to the purpose of a non-profit as well as appeal to the attendants.

Of course, what truly defines a successful fundraiser is the amount of money collected at the end of the event. With this in mind, here are a few money-making ideas to make your next fundraising event a resounding success for your non-profit organization.

Involve the Kids

Some fundraisers are geared to entertain kids. Alternatively, other benefit events might not be the most kid-friendly.  Regardless, it’s a good idea to have activities at your next venue that placate and appeal to children.  In many cases, benefactors will want to bring their children so their kids can see how charitable events work to further a cause and help a community.

As such, brainstorm what kind of kid-centric entertainment you can enlist in your next fundraiser.  For instance, simply do a search for a “facepainter near me” to recruit an artist who can paint smiles on children’s faces. This is a classic activity that kids love, and their parents will pay for.  Also, think about other ways to magnetize kids at your event. From balloon artists to kid games, there’s no limit to the ways you can engage kids while earning money on child-centric events at your next fundraiser.

Educate Your Potential Donors

Everybody loves to learn a new skill or talent – especially for a good cause.  Therefore, why not take advantage of community members’ natural curiosity by presenting a “master class” fundraising event?  Recruit experts in various fields such as writing, pottery making, bird house building, etc.  Think of this venue as a way to help your attendees learn something new.

Even better, have the master classes set up so your attendees can take home projects that they’ve made themselves during the fundraiser.  You can charge per person for each class.  You might even encourage attendees to auction off their creations after the teaching lessons are done.  There are many different ways you could spin this money-making fundraiser idea, and it’s sure to garner a lot of fun and income for your cause.

Have a Community “Junk” Sale

Everybody has unused stuff accumulating dust in their homes, attics, basements, and garages. You can present a win-win situation by encouraging the community to dust off their junk and donate it for purchase at your next fundraiser.  When we say “junk” we don’t mean that literally.  After all, one man’s junk is another man’s treasure.

The core concept of a junk sale is that community members can get rid of unwanted things in their homes while donating them to a good cause.  In turn, your non-profit can sell these items either by auction, raffle or via a yard sale-style event.  While it’s true this type of fundraising strategy is a common one, it is still an effective money-maker for non-profits looking to drum up money with little or no overhead.

Have a Pop-Up Dinner Event

This is a newer trend in fundraising venues that have proven quite effective in engaging the community.  Presenting your donors and benefactors with a pop-up dining event poses minimal overhead – especially if you charge per plate accordingly.  Your fundraising, food-centric venue can be as simple or as extravagant as your existing budget will allow.

The main point to focus on with this tact is to make your pop-up dinner event as inviting, communal, and enjoyable as possible.  Think about recruiting a local band for live entertainment.  Ask a local florist or event planner to donate their time and resources to make the event shine. In many cases, local businesses are happy to donate their expertise and provisions for a mention in your event. This gives them free advertising while contributing to a worthy cause.

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Final Thoughts About Making Money for Your Next Fundraiser

At the end of the day, there are loads of ways you can raise funds for your non-profit, as well as rally the community together for a worthwhile purpose.  How you go about your next fundraiser is ultimately up to you.  However, we hope these helpful hints on money-making ideas for your next fundraiser inspire you to cook up your own grassroots campaign for stellar results.